How I beat COVID-19 and lost 50lbs in the process.
In April of 2020, I started to sneeze a lot. My nose was running and my eyes were very watery. I was super congested and my ears and chest started to burn. I started to get a little concerned. Around this time the corona virus was spreading. I was one of those folks that thought it was a hoax until I started getting weird symptoms. My mom told my brother I wasn’t feeling well and he suggested that I fast to keep my body strong and healthy. I didn’t think twice about it and started immediately. Once I started to fast, I had to walk away from a lot of distractions and focus on myself. It was absolutely mandatory that I broke away from the news and social media so that I kept a positive train of thought. Prior to embarking on this journey, I was living an unhealthy lifestyle. I was 5’2 weighing in at 215 lbs. I cooked and ate whatever I wanted. I stayed at the nearest fast food joint getting burgers, fries and a dark soda. I was unhappy and working jobs just to get a paycheck that was barely worth anything, entertaining unhealthy relationships that left me feeling empty and was full of anxiety and depression that came and went whenever it felt like. If you saw me at that time, you would think I had it all together, but I didn’t. I decided to rise up and take control of my life. I got rid of my Corona Virus symptoms and lost 50 lbs in the process. In this e-book, I've written four beautiful chapters that will go into detail on how I did it. This book was designed to not only help you stay healthy and lose weight, but to help you transform!
In this e-book I cover four powerful areas that helped me become a new person. Each chapter is followed by tips and advice you can apply to your daily life.
Thank you for allowing me to share my journey and I can’t wait for you to experience the brand new you!